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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon

Our last assembly!

26th Jun 2023

We gathered together today for one final assembly before the Summer holidays.
We began in the playground, but had to swiftly relocate indoors when the rain came!
The rain couldn’t dampen our final celebrations for our award winners. We celebrated acts of kindness, taking on new challenges, having positive attitudes, showing good manners and working hard. We are very proud of you all. Huge congratulations to everyone!
There was also a large group of award winners keen to share their successes from outside school with us today. There were swimmers, handball players, footballers, Gaelic players, hip hop dancers, ballet dancers, Irish dancers and guide awards to celebrate! Congratulations everyone. Keep up your fabulous efforts!

Our birthday line filled up the front of the hall, as we sang happy birthday to all our Summer birthday boys and girls. Enjoy your special days whether they are tomorrow, next week or next month! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰