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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon

Primary 1 assembly

22nd Nov 2022

It was an extra special assembly this week, as Primary 1 led their first assembly in front of the school. They were absolutely wonderful! All the girls and boys spoke about the special gifts and talents that make them unique. A huge well done to all Primary 1’s. 

A huge well done also goes to all of our award winners this week. The group was too big for a mini camera, so two photos were needed to get all these winners! Every teacher was able to explain how proud they were of each winners hard work and dedication to learning new skills, their special talents and their kindness toward others. 

There was one extra special award winner this week. A very surprised Luke found out that he was a Credit Union Art competition winner. Well done to you Luke!

Antoin shared his weekend football success with us. It is always lovely to hear about our children’s successes outside school. 

Two birthday people this week. Our mental maths skills tell us they are 18!