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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon

News - Primary 2

2023/2024 School Year

12th Apr 2024
We have started our experiment to see which food birds like the best. 
12th Apr 2024
We have been learning how to measure and compare weight. We have used our balance...
26th Mar 2024
Today the P2’s planted their own Sunflower. Spring is definitely in the air!...
25th Mar 2024
We have been doing plenty of number practice this week including some mental strategies...
25th Mar 2024
P2 have created a beautiful spring landscape using different painting techniques....
20th Mar 2024
Today we went out around our school grounds to watch the birds that visit our school....
20th Mar 2024
This week the P2’s have been learning to tell O’Clock times on the Clock
15th Mar 2024
Primary 2 have enjoyed some St. Patrick’s Day themed crafts. 
15th Mar 2024
All the children in school have enjoyed the celebrations for St. Patrick’s...
11th Mar 2024
The children of Primary 2 led the assembly on Monday 11th March. They were all fantastic...